09. Exercise 2: 3D Volume MPR


Exercise 2: 3D Volume MPR

Before we jump into EDA for a DICOM dataset, I would like you to do another exercise and try your hand at extracting orthogonal slices from a full MRI volume. You know the drill - jump into the Python file, read the instructions and export your slices into .png files like we did with the previous exercise.

Udacity Workspace Note: this workspace is a basic coding environment with the folders on the left, editor on the top and terminal/BASH at the bottom with environment pre-configured with all the libraries that you will need to complete the exercise.

Good luck!


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.


You can find the solution to this exercise here.

If you want to inspect the solution, take note of how the aspect ratio for the rendered image was selected. The volume that we are dealing with has non-square voxels and the z-dimension of our voxels is much smaller than x and y dimensions. Note what DICOM tags I used to compute the proper dimensions.